Basic operation of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre from 19 March to probably 19 April 2020

In accordance with the preventive measures against the spread of the coronavirus published by the management of Forschungszentrum Jülich on 17 March, the Jülich Supercomputing Centre is adapting its range of services and switching to basic operations.
During basic operation, we supplement this message for you with current information (updates).

HPC systems and support:

The HPC systems are still in operation. However, only half of the administrator team is on site to maintain them. The entire user support team is currently working in home-office. To report problems with the HPC systems and for support in using the supercomputers, please use the e-mail address (ticket system)

The support phone number, +49 2461-61-2828, is currently not available; a solution is being worked on.

Network services JuNet and IT security

The number of on-site employees in the areas of network and IT security was halved. Your known contact persons can still be reached by e-mail. Only the telephone availability could be temporarily limited, depending on the current workplace of the colleague (JSC office or home office). You can reach the network helpdesk as usual at +49-2461- 61-6440.

The following e-mail addresses are available for further questions on specific network topics:

Last Modified: 11.03.2022