ONLINE -- Training course "Introduction to parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP" @ JSC

10th August 2020 07:00 AM
14th August 2020 14:30 PM

An introduction to the parallel programming of supercomputers is given. The focus is on the usage of the Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most often used programming model for systems with distributed memory. Furthermore, OpenMP will be presented, which is often used on shared-memory architectures.

The first four days of the course consist of lectures and short exercises. A fifth day is devoted to demonstrating the use of MPI and OpenMP in a larger context. To this end, starting from a simple but representative serial algorithm, a parallel version will be designed and implemented using the techniques presented in the course.

This course is mainly intended for guest students at JSC. Up to 15 additional participants can take part in the course after consulting Benedikt Steinbusch at JSC.

Last Modified: 22.03.2022